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Call for Proposal


DataDoor is pleased to announce funding opportunities to support exceptional research in the focus area of computer vision in line with the goals and missions of the company.
DataDoor works with Universities to transform emerging data analytics and processing research ideas into reality by seeking to fund projects that demonstrate high potential in enhancing practical real-time vision, data (video) streaming, and processing.

We invite institutions of higher education to apply for one-year research grant funding in the available submission cycles.

Spring 2023:
Applications for the Spring 2023 cycle are open for submission from April 1, 2023 through May 15, 2023.

Eligibility and Instructions:
Principal Investigators (PI) applying for funds must hold tenure-track faculty positions at U.S. institutes of higher education.
The PI of an application should supervise the research, serve as the main contact between DataDoor and the research project personnel throughout the study, and report to DataDoor the progress and findings of the study.
The funds are limited and appropriate for single-PI applications only. Thus, Co-PIs or multiple institutions must not be listed on an application. Only one proposal may be submitted per PI. DataDoor will be in direct contact with the PI throughout a funded study.
Funds are limited to $25,000 per application, including any overhead and indirect costs. A detailed budget and budget justification must be included in the application. Each project must show a one-year project period. Typical budget requests are mainly for graduate student (research personnel) support of the PI’s team.

Applications must be prepared and submitted according to the following:

*One-page summary description of the project, starting with the project title

* References – no page limit, not included in one-page summary

* One-page summary description of the project, starting with the project title, followed by PI name, Position, University, Department, and email
* Budget request worksheet and justification

* Name and contact information of sponsored research official at the PI’s institution in the event an award is made.
* NSF-style Bio-Sketch (CV) of PI
* Page layout of the application must be in U.S. letter size (8.5 by 11 inches) with 1-inch margin on all sides. Text font of project description must be Times New Roman or Arial with 11 pt font size.

Selection of Award Recipients

DataDoor will begin review of applications immediately after submission cycle closes. Selection of award recipients is based on a two-step review process:
Step 1: Application (must be received in the available submission cycle)

Step 2: Interview: If deemed appropriate for funding, DataDoor will contact the PI for an interview.
Final applicants will be selected for receiving an award only after the interview process has been fully and satisfactorily conducted.


Apply Here:
PI submits a single pdf file of the application to email

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